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5 Fantastic Drawing Tips For Beginners

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Are you a beginner artist who wants to start sketching on a regular basis? Do you have a sketchbook or two (or three) laying around that you rarely use because you don't have the time or are afraid of "ruining" them? Do you want to get past the feeling of awkwardness you might encounter before starting on a new project? If you are just learning to draw, start with a pencil and paper. Even if you later want to switch to something else, such as painting or digital drawing, simply taking the initiative to doodle and sketch is the cheapest and easiest way to practice and improve. You can start learning by watching art online.

Know Your Tools

As with any artistic discipline, it will be ultimately up to you to experiment with various supplies and techniques to find what works for you. What you should know is that you can get a long way with limited and inexpensive supplies. So, instead of getting overwhelmed by the large variety of papers, pencils, erasers, and so on available, stick to the basics. When it comes to paper, it's a good idea to start noticing how different thicknesses and textures can affect your process and the outcome of your drawings. When first starting out, it is critical to know your pencils (usually HB, 2B, and 6-8B).

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

When a lot of new artists start drawing, they often get caught up in the details right away, spending hours working on a drawing only to discover that it looks off in the end. It is critical to learn to visualize your subjects (whether they are still life, human figure,or landscape,) as combinations of simple shapes, such as cubes, cylinders, rectangular prisms, cones, and so on. To achieve effective proportion and placement of individual elements in relation to one another, learn to tune out all the smaller shapes and intricacies.

When drawing with a pencil and paper, start with a very light line drawing with few details and then go over it with darker lines once you're sure everything is properly placed and sized. Landscape art can be an easy start if you don’t want to delve deeper into drawing intricate shapes.

Keep The Proportions In Check

A proportionate drawing instills the drawing with magic and normalcy. A disproportionate drawing or piece of art online can appear abnormal and out of place in the eyes of the viewer. When drawing multiple objects or objects with multiple parts, always compare their sizes and placement to one another. For example, the eyes should be placed directly in the center of the head. The distance between the eyes should roughly be the width of one eye. Taking note of these proportion checks can assist you in avoiding mistakes where one object is too big, too small, or incorrectly placed in relation to one another.

Keep The Basic Shapes In Mind

The crotch is the midpoint of a human figure for an average person. The arms and hands usually dangle down to the mid-point of the body or slightly beyond. The head is usually in an oval shape. The average adult human is about six head-and-neck lengths tall. The trunk's two trapezoid shapes are usually as long as two head-and-neck sections. The upper legs extend up into the lower trunk to connect with the pelvis, so the area occupied by the legs and feet is roughly the same length as three and a half head-and-neck sections. Human figure drawing is based wholly on these concepts. Check out Ino Chang’s Website for intricate art pieces which make use of such practices.

The Cube, the Sphere, and the Cylinder

Any shape can be categorized into one of three basic shape archetypes: cube, cylinder, or sphere. These form shapes are based on two simple geometric shapes: the square and the ellipse. Learning to draw accurately and combining these shapes will allow you to build any object, real or imagined.

Bottom Line

Finally, make a commitment to your craft. If you want to get better at something, you must first decide to do it and plan for it. You must dedicate yourself to drawing and set aside regular time in your week or day to do so. It is necessary to make it a habit in order to improve and be a great artist

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